it was meng's & june's big day on 7th april, 2007. they held a party 32@the mansion. everybody behaved very well, beside harry who sang "mr. robert robert" ahhahah. we went to soho afterwards, and as usual, they finished loads of whiskey, all drunk and meng didn't showed up!!!wish u have a happy marriage!!!
hi亞荗. have you started your course yet? How's the living cost in Sydney?
Your loyal reader.
Dear Loyal Reader,
living cost here is exp compare to HK but cheap to UK.I'm a budget student now and cannot have good food all the time, pls come over and treat me :D
我都唔係好掂.. 盡量啦...
I plan to finish by end of July, if not start of it.
oi, it's really frustrating ok, identify urself la!
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